Wednesday, 16 December 2020

My ideal life

I've been daydreaming about quitting work since I started working. Well, it has been close to 7 years since I started working, and the feelings still persist.

I've saved some monies and have to date amassed around 13-14x my annual expenses in cash and investments (excluding retirement accounts and insurances). It's not enough to fully quit work and "retire", but if I grind until I have enough retirement monies, more of this precious life would have passed me by. I suppose I could quit work for a bit and then go back to work again. However, the fear is that I enjoy idling so much that I would not want to go back to work. I am likely to also be unemployable after an extended period of "slacking off". 

Well, what do I want to do after I quit work? Good question. Million dollar question. 

I honestly don't have a grand plan to take over the world. I literally just want to chill. Believe it or not, I am superb at puttering about. My ideal day: I would like to peek out at the sun when its rays kisses my face, close my eyes again and bask under the triple bliss of warm sunshine, cool air from the AC and tencel sheets for an unknown period of time until I'm ready to wake up and start my day. Then I would wash up, commit a couple of minutes to my skincare routine and then proceed to either prepare a mean breakfast or walk to the market to get breakfast. Breakfast would be a leisurely, tea sipping affair. By the time I'm done with breakfast, it would be around 10am or so, and then I would be on my computer or do some housework. I may or may not go out in the afternoon to run some errands or meet up with friends. I would either cook or buy lunch. If I do cook lunch, I would prepare an extra share for my partner or to be kept as leftovers for the next day's meal. In the afternoon, I would do some journalling,  putter about the internet and/or indulge in any newfound hobby. I may or may not take an afternoon nap on my beanbag. I would also research on new recipes (I enjoy exploring new recipes) and then reserve around 45 minutes for my daily workout. By the time I'm done, it would be around 5-6pm. Then it's time to clean up the exercise area, shower and prepare dinner. Partner comes home, we have dinner and chat about our day (sometimes over a bottle of wine), do the dishes together, and then it's time to Netflix/game and chill the evening away.

I live like this when I'm on leave from work, and I just love this kind of life. To me, it's so easy, peaceful and graceful. 

How much do I need to feel financially secure enough to retire to this kind of life? For now I'm thinking around 25-30x my annual expenses in cash and investments, maxed-out retirement accounts and a paid off house. Unfortunately, I'm only halfway there.

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